In-House Articles


Cracking the iOS Interview

How do you handle data binding in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, property wrappers are used to bind data. For this, you can use @State, @Binding, and @ObservedObject to bind the data. Data binding enables views to access and modify the application state and observe changes when the state changes.

Swift Anytime Weekly

What’s the difference between the flatMap and compactMap functions in Swift?

The flatMap function is used to apply a transformation to each element in a sequence and flatten the resulting nested sequences into a single sequence, while the compactMap function is used to apply a transformation to each element in a sequence and remove any nil values from the resulting sequence.

Swift Anytime Weekly

iOS Good Practices

Test your app on a variety of devices or simulators

In most cases, you run and test your app on a single simulator or device. Xcode enables you to run your app on a variety of simulators and configurations: iOS devices come in a range of sizes, resolutions, and form factors, and it’s imperative to test your app on as many of these as possible to ensure that it works well and looks good on all of them.

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