In-House Articles


Cracking the iOS Interview

How do you handle errors in Swift?

In Swift, you can use the do-catch statement to handle errors. This has a simple syntax with a do block that contains the code that might throw an error, and a catch block to handle the errors that are thrown.

Swift Anytime Weekly

Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in Swift?

Synchronous code is executed in a linear manner, by executing each line of code one after the other. While asynchronous code is executed concurrently with other code, without blocking the execution of subsequent code. Asynchronous code allows your app to continue running while performing long-running tasks, such as network requests.

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iOS Good Practices

Why should you avoid writing long methods?

It is always recommended to divide the code into multiple methods over a single long method. It helps you to write clean and reusable code and is easy to debug compared to a single method.

For example, we set up several things in the viewDidLoad() method. Instead of writing everything in this method, we can make multiple small methods and call them in viewDidLoad(). It looks more organized and efficient.

Swift Anytime Weekly

Code Quiz

Q. How are images in default XC Assets rendered by default?

  1. JPEG
  2. SVG
  3. PNG
  4. PDF

Solve the quiz and submit your answer along with your Twitter handle at and get a chance to get a shoutout from Swift Anytime’s official handle.

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