In-House Articles


Cracking the iOS Interview

What is optional in Swift?

An optional type acts as a container with either a wrapped value or nil. By syntax, an optional is an enum with two cases: .some storing a wrapped value. .none storing nil.

Swift Anytime Weekly

What is the difference between a computed and a lazy stored property?

  • The computed property would be recalculated every time while the lazy property is calculated once.
  • Considering that lazy property is only called once, it may sometimes return a wrong value. While the computed property will give you always return the correct result.
Swift Anytime Weekly

iOS Good Practices

Take advantage of the iOS community

Being a junior or senior iOS developer, you should always be connected with other developers. As a member of the community, you can learn and share lots of things with iOS developers. You can join supportive and mature communities.

In addition to connecting with like-minded developers, it helps you overcome obstacles when it comes to developing apps. You can ask questions and get answers quickly. Even quicker than you thought. Apart from this, you also get exposure in the community.

You may find some worthwhile iOS communities on Slack, LinkedIn, Twitter, StackOverflow, and Quora.

Swift Anytime Weekly

Code Quiz

Which of the following IB property is rendered on the storyboard itself?

  1. IBDesignable
  2. IBInspectable
  3. IBOutlet
  4. IBAction

Solve the quiz and submit your answer along with your Twitter handle at

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